Academic Lineage
PhD Students Supervised
Thomas Spriggs (commenced October 2019)Benjamin Page (commenced October 2020)
Davide De Boni (graduated in 2018)
Wynne Evans (graduated 2014)
Aurora Trivini (graduated 2008)
Wesley Armour (graduated 2005)
Johnathan Clowser (graduated 2003)
My Supervisor(s)n
Chris HamerSteven Frautschi
Sidney Drell
Sidney Dancoff
Robert Oppenheimer
Max Born
Carl Runge
Karl Weierstrass
Christoph Gudermann
Friedrich Bessel
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss
Johann Pfaff
Abraham Kastner
Christian Hausen
Johann Wichmannshausen
Otto Mencke
Jakob Thomasius
Friedrich Leibniz
Organisations I'm Involved With
News Items
EuroHPC Supercomputing Grant
October 2023
The FASTSUM collaboration was awarded 111 million core hours of computer time on the world’s third fastest supercomputer.
Sabbatical in Australia
July 2023
I am very lucky to be able to return home to Australia for a sabbatical semester. I’ll be based at the Universities of Queensland and Adelaide.
Oriel Science’s Imaging Exhibition
June 2023
It was so exciting to welcome over 200 people to the opening our new Imaging exhibition on the 13th June. Dr Alex Hildred from the Mary Rose Trust was our guest and formally launched the exhibition.